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Singletrack that descends from the top of Mount Ernaitzu (1,204 m), hence its name. The herbaceous top is spectacular for its 360º views: Pyrenees, Peña Izaga, Higa de Monreal, Moncayo, Sierra de Aralar, etc. we can see on days with good visibility.

  • SectorBeruete
  • Year Built2020
  • MarkedNo

Ernaitzu and its grassy slopes make this a perfect place for grazing the valley’s cattle. Therefore, the first part of the descent is somewhat “wild”. Many singletracks, without a clear layout, will make the most skilled rider stand out. After a first part of forest in which the roots are protagonists, we went out to a second herbaceous field. The singletrack that crosses it disappears, turning on our orientation instinct, since we will have to cross the field by the shortest path.

Immediately, we run into the fence that separates us from happiness. From here, a feast of fast curves and fun areas, through a beautiful beech forest, along a hilarious old path created by our ancestors, which makes me think that they intuited that in a few years we were going to enjoy riding our bikes down there.

Technical data
Singletrack (3.1Km)

Dirt Road | Trail (2.5 Km)

Asphalt (3.2 Km)

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