Singletrack that runs next to the Basakaitz river, hence its name, which could be understood as Basoko Haitza (Forest Rock) or Basoko Gaitza (Forest Disease). More than 5 km of nature singletrack, used by our ancestors and which holds many stories.
- SectorBeruete
- Year Built2020
- MarkedNo

We start going down a rocky path through a succession of fast sections and hairpin bends. The singletrack allows us to pick up a lot of speed, but with control, since next to us we will have a good fall through a beech forest with very steep slopes. As we go downhill, the ground becomes softer, with beastly grip in most conditions, increasing the frequency of cornering.
Arrived at the point where we are above the Basakaitz river, return to fast sections to release the brake, until it returns to stony terrain. More than 2 km of rock await us, with a downward trend, but that we will have to push in some uphill sections.
Demanding but spectacular singletrack, crossing the river canyon with impressive scenery. As a final, a picnic area and a small rest area at the exit of the trail, to end with a 5-star tour.

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