Logo_MTB_BASABURUA 165x165


Basajaun is the Lord of the Forest, a tall, strong and hairy being. Protector of shepherds and flocks of sheep. When a storm or wolves approaches, he shouts and whistles on the mountain to warn the shepherds. In return, the Basajaun receive as tribute a piece of bread that they collect while the shepherds sleep.

  • SectorBeruete
  • Year Built2020
  • MarkedNo

The trail begins in the Egozkue area, among an oak forest, with curves and jumps, walkways, etc. that will ensure the fun of the rider. Then we will enter a deforested fir forest, where rock steps and banked curves alternate technical steps with others with a lot of flow.

To leave the deforested area, after crossing the stream, we will face a couple of short but technical climbs, to enter a fast and fun area of beech and oak trees, with several curves, dubbies and jumps with which we will be able to demonstrate our skill.

Technical data
Singletrack (1.3 Km)

Dirt Road| Trail (0.5 Km)

Asphalt (4.1 Km)

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